Welcome to Shaka Player

Shaka Player is a JavaScript library for adaptive video streaming. It plays DASH content without browser plugins using MediaSource Extensions and Encrypted Media Extensions.


You can build Shaka on Linux, Windows, or Mac. To get the sources and compile the library, you will need:

Additionally, to build the documentation and run the tests, you will need:

To quickly install these prerequisites on Ubuntu or Debian, run:

sudo apt-get install git python2.7 openjdk-7-jre-headless npm
sudo npm install -g npm  # Upgrade npm to the latest
# Add a symlink missing on some systems:
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/local/bin/node

Installation instructions for other operating systems are not provided here. (We can't possibly document them all.) You can follow the links above to download and install the prerequisites.

Get the source

git clone https://github.com/google/shaka-player.git
cd shaka-player

Compile the library

python build/all.py

Join the community

If you want to discuss Shaka Player development or receive notifications when a new version is released, you should join our users group.

Continue the Tutorials

Next, check out Basic Usage.