* @license
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Creates a new DASH parser.
* @struct
* @constructor
* @implements {shakaExtern.ManifestParser}
shaka.dash.DashParser = function() {
/** @private {shaka.net.NetworkingEngine} */
this.networkingEngine_ = null;
/** @private {?shakaExtern.ManifestConfiguration} */
this.config_ = null;
/** @private {?function(shakaExtern.Period)} */
this.filterPeriod_ = null;
/** @private {?function(!shaka.util.Error)} */
this.onError_ = null;
/** @private {?function(!shaka.util.FakeEvent)} */
this.onEvent_ = null;
/** @private {!Array.<string>} */
this.manifestUris_ = [];
/** @private {?shakaExtern.Manifest} */
this.manifest_ = null;
/** @private {!Array.<string>} */
this.periodIds_ = [];
/** @private {number} */
this.globalId_ = 1;
* A map of IDs to SegmentIndex objects.
* ID: Period@id,AdaptationSet@id,@Representation@id
* e.g.: '1,5,23'
* @private {!Object.<string, !shaka.media.SegmentIndex>}
this.segmentIndexMap_ = {};
* The update period in seconds; or 0 for no updates.
* @private {number}
this.updatePeriod_ = 0;
/** @private {?number} */
this.updateTimer_ = null;
/** @private {!shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.ResponseFilter} */
this.emsgResponseFilter_ = this.emsgResponseFilter_.bind(this);
* Contains the minimum amount of time, in seconds, between manifest update
* requests.
* @private
* @const {number}
shaka.dash.DashParser.MIN_UPDATE_PERIOD_ = 3;
* The default MPD@suggestedPresentationDelay in seconds.
* @private
* @const {number}
* @typedef {
* !function(!Array.<string>, ?number, ?number):!Promise.<!ArrayBuffer>
* }
* @typedef {{
* segmentBase: Element,
* segmentList: Element,
* segmentTemplate: Element,
* baseUris: !Array.<string>,
* width: (number|undefined),
* height: (number|undefined),
* contentType: string,
* mimeType: string,
* codecs: string,
* id: string
* }}
* @description
* A collection of elements and properties which are inherited across levels
* of a DASH manifest.
* @property {Element} segmentBase
* The XML node for SegmentBase.
* @property {Element} segmentList
* The XML node for SegmentList.
* @property {Element} segmentTemplate
* The XML node for SegmentTemplate.
* @property {!Array.<string>} baseUris
* An array of absolute base URIs for the frame.
* @property {(number|undefined)} width
* The inherited width value.
* @property {(number|undefined)} height
* The inherited height value.
* @property {string} contentType
* The inherited media type.
* @property {string} mimeType
* The inherited MIME type value.
* @property {string} codecs
* The inherited codecs value.
* @property {string} id
* The ID of the element.
* @typedef {{
* dynamic: boolean,
* presentationTimeline: !shaka.media.PresentationTimeline,
* period: ?shaka.dash.DashParser.InheritanceFrame,
* periodInfo: ?shaka.dash.DashParser.PeriodInfo,
* adaptationSet: ?shaka.dash.DashParser.InheritanceFrame,
* representation: ?shaka.dash.DashParser.InheritanceFrame,
* bandwidth: (number|undefined)
* }}
* @description
* Contains context data for the streams.
* @property {boolean} dynamic
* True if the MPD is dynamic (not all segments available at once)
* @property {!shaka.media.PresentationTimeline} presentationTimeline
* The PresentationTimeline.
* @property {?shaka.dash.DashParser.InheritanceFrame} period
* The inheritance from the Period element.
* @property {?shaka.dash.DashParser.PeriodInfo} periodInfo
* The Period info for the current Period.
* @property {?shaka.dash.DashParser.InheritanceFrame} adaptationSet
* The inheritance from the AdaptationSet element.
* @property {?shaka.dash.DashParser.InheritanceFrame} representation
* The inheritance from the Representation element.
* @property {(number|undefined)} bandwidth
* The bandwidth of the Representation.
* @typedef {{
* start: number,
* duration: ?number,
* node: !Element,
* containsInband: boolean
* }}
* @description
* Contains information about a Period element.
* @property {number} start
* The start time of the period.
* @property {?number} duration
* The duration of the period; or null if the duration is not given. This
* will be non-null for all periods except the last.
* @property {!Element} node
* The XML Node for the Period.
* @property {boolean} containsInband
* Indicates whether a period contains inband information.
* @typedef {{
* id: string,
* contentType: ?string,
* language: string,
* main: boolean,
* streams: !Array.<shakaExtern.Stream>,
* drmInfos: !Array.<shakaExtern.DrmInfo>,
* switchableIds: !Array.<string>,
* containsInband: boolean
* }}
* @description
* Contains information about an AdaptationSet element.
* @property {string} id
* The unique ID of the adaptation set.
* @property {?string} contentType
* The content type of the AdaptationSet.
* @property {string} language
* The language of the AdaptationSet.
* @property {boolean} main
* Whether the AdaptationSet has the 'main' type.
* @property {!Array.<shakaExtern.Stream>} streams
* The streams this AdaptationSet contains.
* @property {!Array.<shakaExtern.DrmInfo>} drmInfos
* The DRM info for the AdaptationSet.
* @property {!Array.<string>} switchableIds
* An array of the IDs of the AdaptationSets it can switch to.
* @property {boolean} containsInband
* Signals whether AdaptationSet has inband content indicator on it.
* @typedef {{
* createSegmentIndex: shakaExtern.CreateSegmentIndexFunction,
* findSegmentPosition: shakaExtern.FindSegmentPositionFunction,
* getSegmentReference: shakaExtern.GetSegmentReferenceFunction
* }}
* @description
* Contains functions used to create and find segment references.
* @property {shakaExtern.CreateSegmentIndexFunction} createSegmentIndex
* The createSegmentIndex function.
* @property {shakaExtern.FindSegmentPositionFunction} findSegmentPosition
* The findSegmentPosition function.
* @property {shakaExtern.GetSegmentReferenceFunction} getSegmentReference
* The getSegmentReference function.
* @typedef {{
* createSegmentIndex: shakaExtern.CreateSegmentIndexFunction,
* findSegmentPosition: shakaExtern.FindSegmentPositionFunction,
* getSegmentReference: shakaExtern.GetSegmentReferenceFunction,
* initSegmentReference: shaka.media.InitSegmentReference,
* presentationTimeOffset: (number|undefined)
* }}
* @description
* Contains information about a Stream. This is passed from the createStream
* methods.
* @property {shakaExtern.CreateSegmentIndexFunction} createSegmentIndex
* The createSegmentIndex function for the stream.
* @property {shakaExtern.FindSegmentPositionFunction} findSegmentPosition
* The findSegmentPosition function for the stream.
* @property {shakaExtern.GetSegmentReferenceFunction} getSegmentReference
* The getSegmentReference function for the stream.
* @property {shaka.media.InitSegmentReference} initSegmentReference
* The init segment for the stream.
* @property {(number|undefined)} presentationTimeOffset
* The presentationTimeOffset for the stream.
* @typedef {{
* schemeIdUri: string,
* value: string,
* timescale: number,
* presentationTimeDelta: number,
* eventDuration: number,
* id: number,
* messageData: Uint8Array
* }}
* @description
* Contains information about an EMSG MP4 box.
* @property {string} schemeIdUri
* Identifies the message scheme.
* @property {string} value
* Specifies the value for the event.
* @property {number} timescale
* Provides the timescale, in ticks per second,
* for the time and duration fields within this box.
* @property {number} presentationTimeDelta
* Provides the Media Presentation time delta of the media presentation
* time of the event and the earliest presentation time in this segment.
* @property {number} eventDuration
* Provides the duration of event in media presentation time.
* @property {number} id
* A field identifying this instance of the message.
* @property {Uint8Array} messageData
* Body of the message.
* @exportDoc
/** @override */
shaka.dash.DashParser.prototype.configure = function(config) {
this.config_ = config;
/** @override */
shaka.dash.DashParser.prototype.start =
function(uri, networkingEngine, filterPeriod, onError, onEvent) {
goog.asserts.assert(this.config_, 'Must call configure() before start()!');
this.manifestUris_ = [uri];
this.networkingEngine_ = networkingEngine;
this.filterPeriod_ = filterPeriod;
this.onError_ = onError;
this.onEvent_ = onEvent;
return this.requestManifest_().then(function() {
if (this.networkingEngine_)
return this.manifest_;
/** @override */
shaka.dash.DashParser.prototype.stop = function() {
if (this.networkingEngine_)
this.networkingEngine_ = null;
this.filterPeriod_ = null;
this.onError_ = null;
this.onEvent_ = null;
this.config_ = null;
this.manifestUris_ = [];
this.manifest_ = null;
this.periodIds_ = [];
this.segmentIndexMap_ = {};
if (this.updateTimer_ != null) {
this.updateTimer_ = null;
return Promise.resolve();
* Makes a network request for the manifest and parses the resulting data.
* @return {!Promise}
* @private
shaka.dash.DashParser.prototype.requestManifest_ = function() {
var requestType = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.RequestType.MANIFEST;
var request = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.makeRequest(
this.manifestUris_, this.config_.retryParameters);
return this.networkingEngine_.request(requestType, request)
.then(function(response) {
// Detect calls to stop().
if (!this.networkingEngine_)
// This may throw; but it will result in a failed promise.
return this.parseManifest_(response.data, response.uri);
* Parses the manifest XML. This also handles updates and will update the
* stored manifest.
* @param {!ArrayBuffer} data
* @param {string} finalManifestUri The final manifest URI, which may
* differ from this.manifestUri_ if there has been a redirect.
* @return {!Promise}
* @throws shaka.util.Error When there is a parsing error.
* @private
shaka.dash.DashParser.prototype.parseManifest_ =
function(data, finalManifestUri) {
var Error = shaka.util.Error;
var Functional = shaka.util.Functional;
var XmlUtils = shaka.util.XmlUtils;
var string = shaka.util.StringUtils.fromUTF8(data);
var parser = new DOMParser();
var xml = null;
var mpd = null;
try {
xml = parser.parseFromString(string, 'text/xml');
} catch (exception) {}
if (xml) {
// parseFromString returns a Document object. A Document is a Node but not
// an Element, so it cannot be used in XmlUtils (technically it can but the
// types don't match). The |documentElement| member defines the top-level
// element in the document.
if (xml.documentElement.tagName == 'MPD')
mpd = xml.documentElement;
if (!mpd) {
throw new Error(Error.Category.MANIFEST, Error.Code.DASH_INVALID_XML);
// Get any Location elements. This will update the manifest location and
// the base URI.
/** @type {!Array.<string>} */
var manifestBaseUris = [finalManifestUri];
/** @type {!Array.<string>} */
var locations = XmlUtils.findChildren(mpd, 'Location')
if (locations.length > 0) {
this.manifestUris_ = locations;
manifestBaseUris = locations;
var uris = XmlUtils.findChildren(mpd, 'BaseURL').map(XmlUtils.getContents);
var baseUris = shaka.dash.MpdUtils.resolveUris(manifestBaseUris, uris);
var minBufferTime =
XmlUtils.parseAttr(mpd, 'minBufferTime', XmlUtils.parseDuration);
this.updatePeriod_ = /** @type {number} */ (XmlUtils.parseAttr(
mpd, 'minimumUpdatePeriod', XmlUtils.parseDuration, -1));
var presentationStartTime = XmlUtils.parseAttr(
mpd, 'availabilityStartTime', XmlUtils.parseDate);
var segmentAvailabilityDuration = XmlUtils.parseAttr(
mpd, 'timeShiftBufferDepth', XmlUtils.parseDuration);
var suggestedPresentationDelay = XmlUtils.parseAttr(
mpd, 'suggestedPresentationDelay', XmlUtils.parseDuration);
var maxSegmentDuration = XmlUtils.parseAttr(
mpd, 'maxSegmentDuration', XmlUtils.parseDuration);
var mpdType = mpd.getAttribute('type') || 'static';
var presentationTimeline;
if (this.manifest_) {
presentationTimeline = this.manifest_.presentationTimeline;
} else {
// DASH IOP v3.0 suggests using a default delay between minBufferTime and
// timeShiftBufferDepth. This is literally the range of all feasible
// choices for the value. Nothing older than timeShiftBufferDepth is still
// available, and anything less than minBufferTime will cause buffering
// issues.
// We have decided that our default will be 1.5 * minBufferTime, or 10s,
// whichever is larger. This is fairly conservative. Content providers
// should provide a suggestedPresentationDelay whenever possible to optimize
// the live streaming experience.
var defaultPresentationDelay = Math.max(
minBufferTime * 1.5);
var presentationDelay = suggestedPresentationDelay != null ?
suggestedPresentationDelay : defaultPresentationDelay;
presentationTimeline = new shaka.media.PresentationTimeline(
presentationStartTime, presentationDelay);
/** @type {shaka.dash.DashParser.Context} */
var context = {
dynamic: mpdType != 'static',
presentationTimeline: presentationTimeline,
period: null,
periodInfo: null,
adaptationSet: null,
representation: null,
bandwidth: undefined
var periodsAndDuration = this.parsePeriods_(context, baseUris, mpd);
var duration = periodsAndDuration.duration;
var periods = periodsAndDuration.periods;
presentationTimeline.setStatic(mpdType == 'static');
presentationTimeline.setDuration(duration || Infinity);
segmentAvailabilityDuration != null ?
segmentAvailabilityDuration :
// Use @maxSegmentDuration to override smaller, derived values.
presentationTimeline.notifyMaxSegmentDuration(maxSegmentDuration || 1);
if (!COMPILED) presentationTimeline.assertIsValid();
if (this.manifest_) {
// This is a manifest update, so we're done.
return Promise.resolve();
// This is the first manifest parse, so we cannot return until we calculate
// the clock offset.
var timingElements = XmlUtils.findChildren(mpd, 'UTCTiming');
var isLive = presentationTimeline.isLive();
// if any of the periods had an emsg box indicator,
// register a response filter to look for an EMSG box in segments
if (periodsAndDuration.containsInband)
return this.parseUtcTiming_(
baseUris, timingElements, isLive).then(function(offset) {
// Detect calls to stop().
if (!this.networkingEngine_)
this.manifest_ = {
presentationTimeline: presentationTimeline,
periods: periods,
offlineSessionIds: [],
minBufferTime: minBufferTime || 0
* Reads and parses the periods from the manifest. This first does some
* partial parsing so the start and duration is available when parsing children.
* @param {shaka.dash.DashParser.Context} context
* @param {!Array.<string>} baseUris
* @param {!Element} mpd
* @return {{periods: !Array.<shakaExtern.Period>,
* duration: ?number, containsInband: boolean}}
* @private
shaka.dash.DashParser.prototype.parsePeriods_ = function(
context, baseUris, mpd) {
var Functional = shaka.util.Functional;
var XmlUtils = shaka.util.XmlUtils;
var presentationDuration = XmlUtils.parseAttr(
mpd, 'mediaPresentationDuration', XmlUtils.parseDuration);
var periods = [];
var prevEnd = 0;
var periodNodes = XmlUtils.findChildren(mpd, 'Period');
for (var i = 0; i < periodNodes.length; i++) {
var elem = periodNodes[i];
var start = /** @type {number} */ (
XmlUtils.parseAttr(elem, 'start', XmlUtils.parseDuration, prevEnd));
var periodDuration =
XmlUtils.parseAttr(elem, 'duration', XmlUtils.parseDuration);
if (periodDuration == null) {
if (i + 1 != periodNodes.length) {
// "The difference between the start time of a Period and the start time
// of the following Period is the duration of the media content
// represented by this Period."
var nextPeriod = periodNodes[i + 1];
var nextStart =
XmlUtils.parseAttr(nextPeriod, 'start', XmlUtils.parseDuration);
if (nextStart != null)
periodDuration = nextStart - start;
} else if (presentationDuration != null) {
// "The Period extends until the Period.start of the next Period, or
// until the end of the Media Presentation in the case of the last
// Period."
periodDuration = presentationDuration - start;
// Parse child nodes.
var info = {
start: start,
duration: periodDuration,
node: elem,
containsInband: false
var period = this.parsePeriod_(context, baseUris, info);
// If there are any new periods, call the callback and add them to the
// manifest. If this is the first parse, it will see all of them as new.
var periodId = context.period.id;
if (this.periodIds_.every(Functional.isNotEqualFunc(periodId))) {
if (this.manifest_)
if (periodDuration == null) {
if (i + 1 != periodNodes.length) {
// If the duration is still null and we aren't at the end, then we will
// skip any remaining periods.
'Skipping Period', i + 1, 'and any subsequent Periods:', 'Period',
i + 1, 'does not have a valid start time.', periods[i + 1]);
// The duration is unknown, so the end is unknown.
prevEnd = null;
prevEnd = start + periodDuration;
if (presentationDuration != null) {
if (prevEnd != presentationDuration) {
'@mediaPresentationDuration does not match the total duration of all',
// Assume @mediaPresentationDuration is correct.
return {
periods: periods,
duration: presentationDuration,
containsInband: info.containsInband
} else {
return {
periods: periods,
duration: prevEnd,
containsInband: info.containsInband
* Parses a Period XML element. Unlike the other parse methods, this is not
* given the Node; it is given a PeriodInfo structure. Also, partial parsing
* was done before this was called so start and duration are valid.
* @param {shaka.dash.DashParser.Context} context
* @param {!Array.<string>} baseUris
* @param {shaka.dash.DashParser.PeriodInfo} periodInfo
* @return {shakaExtern.Period}
* @throws shaka.util.Error When there is a parsing error.
* @private
shaka.dash.DashParser.prototype.parsePeriod_ = function(
context, baseUris, periodInfo) {
var XmlUtils = shaka.util.XmlUtils;
context.period = this.createFrame_(periodInfo.node, null, baseUris);
context.periodInfo = periodInfo;
// If the period doesn't have an ID, give it one based on its start time.
if (!context.period.id) {
'No Period ID given for Period with start time ' + periodInfo.start +
', Assigning a default');
context.period.id = '__shaka_period_' + periodInfo.start;
var adaptationSetNodes =
XmlUtils.findChildren(periodInfo.node, 'AdaptationSet');
var adaptationSets =
adaptationSetNodes.map(this.parseAdaptationSet_.bind(this, context));
if (adaptationSets.length == 0) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
// see if any adaptation set has emsg indicator on it.
// If it does, we'll register a response filter later.
for (var i = 0; i < adaptationSets.length; i++) {
if (adaptationSets[i].containsInband) {
periodInfo.containsInband = true;
var streamSets = this.createStreamSets_(adaptationSets);
return {startTime: periodInfo.start, streamSets: streamSets};
* Parses an AdaptationSet XML element.
* @param {shaka.dash.DashParser.Context} context
* @param {!Element} elem The AdaptationSet element.
* @return {shaka.dash.DashParser.AdaptationInfo}
* @throws shaka.util.Error When there is a parsing error.
* @private
shaka.dash.DashParser.prototype.parseAdaptationSet_ = function(context, elem) {
var XmlUtils = shaka.util.XmlUtils;
context.adaptationSet = this.createFrame_(elem, context.period, null);
var main = false;
var roles = XmlUtils.findChildren(elem, 'Role');
// Default kind for text streams is 'subtitle' if unspecified in the manifest.
var kind = undefined;
if (context.adaptationSet.contentType == 'text') kind = 'subtitle';
for (var i = 0; i < roles.length; i++) {
var scheme = roles[i].getAttribute('schemeIdUri');
if (scheme == null || scheme == 'urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011') {
// These only apply for the given scheme, but allow them to be specified
// if there is no scheme specified.
// See: DASH section
var value = roles[i].getAttribute('value');
switch (value) {
case 'main':
main = true;
case 'caption':
case 'subtitle':
kind = value;
// InbandEventStream indicates that a segment contains inband
// information.
var eventStream = XmlUtils.findChild(elem, 'InbandEventStream');
var containsInband = eventStream != null;
var supplementalProperties =
XmlUtils.findChildren(elem, 'SupplementalProperty');
var switchableIds = [];
supplementalProperties.forEach(function(prop) {
var schemeId = prop.getAttribute('schemeIdURI');
if (schemeId == 'http://dashif.org/descriptor/AdaptationSetSwitching') {
var value = prop.getAttribute('value');
if (value)
switchableIds.push.apply(switchableIds, value.split(','));
var contentProtectionElems = XmlUtils.findChildren(elem, 'ContentProtection');
var contentProtection = shaka.dash.ContentProtection.parseFromAdaptationSet(
contentProtectionElems, this.config_.dash.customScheme);
var language =
shaka.util.LanguageUtils.normalize(elem.getAttribute('lang') || 'und');
// Parse Representations into Streams.
var streams = XmlUtils.findChildren(elem, 'Representation')
this, context, contentProtection, kind, language))
.filter(function(s) { return !!s; });
if (streams.length == 0) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
if (!context.adaptationSet.contentType) {
// Guess the AdaptationSet's content type.
var mimeType = streams[0].mimeType;
var codecs = streams[0].codecs;
var fullMimeType = mimeType;
if (codecs) {
fullMimeType += '; codecs="' + codecs + '"';
if (shaka.media.TextEngine.isTypeSupported(fullMimeType)) {
// If it's supported by TextEngine, it's definitely text.
// We don't check MediaSourceEngine, because that would report support
// for platform-supported video and audio types as well.
context.adaptationSet.contentType = 'text';
} else {
// Otherwise, just split the MIME type. This handles video and audio
// types well.
context.adaptationSet.contentType = mimeType.split('/')[0];
return {
id: context.adaptationSet.id || ('__fake__' + this.globalId_++),
contentType: context.adaptationSet.contentType,
language: language,
main: main,
streams: streams,
drmInfos: contentProtection.drmInfos,
switchableIds: switchableIds,
containsInband: containsInband
* Parses a Representation XML element.
* @param {shaka.dash.DashParser.Context} context
* @param {shaka.dash.ContentProtection.Context} contentProtection
* @param {(string|undefined)} kind
* @param {string} language
* @param {!Element} node
* @return {?shakaExtern.Stream} The Stream, or null when there is a
* non-critical parsing error.
* @throws shaka.util.Error When there is a parsing error.
* @private
shaka.dash.DashParser.prototype.parseRepresentation_ = function(
context, contentProtection, kind, language, node) {
var XmlUtils = shaka.util.XmlUtils;
context.representation = this.createFrame_(node, context.adaptationSet, null);
if (!this.verifyRepresentation_(context.representation)) {
shaka.log.warning('Skipping Representation', context.representation);
return null;
context.bandwidth =
XmlUtils.parseAttr(node, 'bandwidth', XmlUtils.parsePositiveInt) ||
/** @type {?shaka.dash.DashParser.StreamInfo} */
var streamInfo;
var requestInitSegment = this.requestInitSegment_.bind(this);
if (context.representation.segmentBase) {
streamInfo = shaka.dash.SegmentBase.createStream(
context, requestInitSegment);
} else if (context.representation.segmentList) {
streamInfo = shaka.dash.SegmentList.createStream(
context, this.segmentIndexMap_);
} else if (context.representation.segmentTemplate) {
streamInfo = shaka.dash.SegmentTemplate.createStream(
context, requestInitSegment, this.segmentIndexMap_, !!this.manifest_);
} else {
goog.asserts.assert(context.representation.contentType == 'text' ||
context.representation.contentType == 'application',
'Must have Segment* with non-text streams.');
var baseUris = context.representation.baseUris;
var duration = context.periodInfo.duration || 0;
streamInfo = {
createSegmentIndex: Promise.resolve.bind(Promise),
/** @return {?number} */ function(/** number */ time) {
if (time >= 0 && time < duration)
return 1;
return null;
/** @return {shaka.media.SegmentReference} */
function(/** number */ ref) {
if (ref != 1)
return null;
return new shaka.media.SegmentReference(
1, 0, duration, function() { return baseUris; }, 0, null);
initSegmentReference: null,
presentationTimeOffset: 0
var contentProtectionElems = XmlUtils.findChildren(node, 'ContentProtection');
var keyId = shaka.dash.ContentProtection.parseFromRepresentation(
contentProtectionElems, this.config_.dash.customScheme,
return {
id: this.globalId_++,
createSegmentIndex: streamInfo.createSegmentIndex,
findSegmentPosition: streamInfo.findSegmentPosition,
getSegmentReference: streamInfo.getSegmentReference,
initSegmentReference: streamInfo.initSegmentReference,
presentationTimeOffset: streamInfo.presentationTimeOffset,
mimeType: context.representation.mimeType,
codecs: context.representation.codecs,
bandwidth: context.bandwidth,
width: context.representation.width,
height: context.representation.height,
kind: kind,
encrypted: contentProtection.drmInfos.length > 0,
keyId: keyId,
language: language,
allowedByApplication: true,
allowedByKeySystem: true
* Called when the update timer ticks.
* @private
shaka.dash.DashParser.prototype.onUpdate_ = function() {
goog.asserts.assert(this.updateTimer_, 'Should only be called by timer');
goog.asserts.assert(this.updatePeriod_ >= 0,
'There should be an update period');
shaka.log.info('Updating manifest...');
this.updateTimer_ = null;
var startTime = Date.now();
this.requestManifest_().then(function() {
// Detect a call to stop()
if (!this.networkingEngine_)
// Ensure the next update occurs within |updatePeriod_| seconds by taking
// into account the time it took to update the manifest.
var endTime = Date.now();
this.setUpdateTimer_((endTime - startTime) / 1000.0);
}.bind(this)).catch(function(error) {
goog.asserts.assert(error instanceof shaka.util.Error,
'Should only receive a Shaka error');
// Try updating again, but ensure we haven't been destroyed.
if (this.networkingEngine_) {
* Sets the update timer. Does nothing if the manifest does not specify an
* update period.
* @param {number} offset An offset, in seconds, to apply to the manifest's
* update period.
* @private
shaka.dash.DashParser.prototype.setUpdateTimer_ = function(offset) {
if (this.updatePeriod_ < 0)
goog.asserts.assert(this.updateTimer_ == null,
'Timer should not be already set');
var period =
Math.max(shaka.dash.DashParser.MIN_UPDATE_PERIOD_, this.updatePeriod_);
var interval = Math.max(period - offset, 0);
shaka.log.debug('updateInterval', interval);
var callback = this.onUpdate_.bind(this);
this.updateTimer_ = window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 * interval);
* Creates a new inheritance frame for the given element.
* @param {!Element} elem
* @param {?shaka.dash.DashParser.InheritanceFrame} parent
* @param {Array.<string>} baseUris
* @return {shaka.dash.DashParser.InheritanceFrame}
* @private
shaka.dash.DashParser.prototype.createFrame_ = function(
elem, parent, baseUris) {
goog.asserts.assert(parent || baseUris,
'Must provide either parent or baseUris');
var MpdUtils = shaka.dash.MpdUtils;
var XmlUtils = shaka.util.XmlUtils;
parent = parent || /** @type {shaka.dash.DashParser.InheritanceFrame} */ ({
contentType: '',
mimeType: '',
codecs: ''
baseUris = baseUris || parent.baseUris;
var parseNumber = XmlUtils.parseNonNegativeInt;
var uris = XmlUtils.findChildren(elem, 'BaseURL').map(XmlUtils.getContents);
var contentType = elem.getAttribute('contentType') || parent.contentType;
var mimeType = elem.getAttribute('mimeType') || parent.mimeType;
if (!contentType) {
contentType = mimeType.split('/')[0];
return {
baseUris: MpdUtils.resolveUris(baseUris, uris),
segmentBase: XmlUtils.findChild(elem, 'SegmentBase') || parent.segmentBase,
segmentList: XmlUtils.findChild(elem, 'SegmentList') || parent.segmentList,
XmlUtils.findChild(elem, 'SegmentTemplate') || parent.segmentTemplate,
width: XmlUtils.parseAttr(elem, 'width', parseNumber) || parent.width,
height: XmlUtils.parseAttr(elem, 'height', parseNumber) || parent.height,
contentType: contentType,
mimeType: mimeType,
codecs: elem.getAttribute('codecs') || parent.codecs,
id: elem.getAttribute('id')
* Creates the StreamSet objects for the given AdaptationSets. This will group
* stream sets according to which streams it can switch to. If AdaptationSet
* A can switch to B, it is assumed that B can switch to A (as well as any
* stream that A can switch to).
* @param {!Array.<shaka.dash.DashParser.AdaptationInfo>} adaptationSets
* @return {!Array.<shakaExtern.StreamSet>}
* @private
shaka.dash.DashParser.prototype.createStreamSets_ = function(adaptationSets) {
var Functional = shaka.util.Functional;
* A map of ID to the group it belongs to. Multiple IDs can map to the same
* group. Each entry in the group will map back to the same array.
* @type {!Object.<string, !Array.<shaka.dash.DashParser.AdaptationInfo>>}
var groupMap = {};
// Create an initial map of all AS.
adaptationSets.forEach(function(set) { groupMap[set.id] = [set]; });
// Merge any AdaptationSets that can switch to each other.
adaptationSets.forEach(function(set) {
var group = groupMap[set.id];
set.switchableIds.forEach(function(id) {
var otherGroup = groupMap[id];
if (!otherGroup || otherGroup == group)
// Merge the other group into the new one.
group.push.apply(group, otherGroup);
// Update each ID of the old group to map to the new group.
otherGroup.forEach(function(other) {
groupMap[other.id] = group;
/** @type {!Array.<shakaExtern.StreamSet>} */
var ret = [];
/** @type {!Array.<!Array.<shaka.dash.DashParser.AdaptationInfo>>} */
var seenGroups = [];
shaka.util.MapUtils.values(groupMap).forEach(function(group) {
if (seenGroups.indexOf(group) >= 0)
// First group AdaptationSets by type.
var setsByType = new shaka.util.MultiMap();
group.forEach(function(set) {
setsByType.push(set.contentType || '', set);
setsByType.keys().forEach(function(type) {
// Finally group AdaptationSets of the same type and group by language,
// then squash them into the same StreamSetInfo.
var setsByLang = new shaka.util.MultiMap();
setsByType.get(type).forEach(function(set) {
setsByLang.push(set.language, set);
setsByLang.keys().forEach(function(lang) {
var sets =
/** @type {!Array.<shaka.dash.DashParser.AdaptationInfo>} */ (
/** @type {shakaExtern.StreamSet} */
var streamSet = {
language: lang,
type: type,
primary: sets.some(function(s) { return s.main; }),
sets.map(function(s) { return s.drmInfos; })
.reduce(Functional.collapseArrays, []),
sets.map(function(s) { return s.streams; })
.reduce(Functional.collapseArrays, [])
}); // forEach lang
}); // forEach type
}); // map groupId
return ret;
* Verifies that a Representation has exactly one Segment* element. Prints
* warnings if there is a problem.
* @param {shaka.dash.DashParser.InheritanceFrame} frame
* @return {boolean} True if the Representation is usable; otherwise return
* false.
* @private
shaka.dash.DashParser.prototype.verifyRepresentation_ = function(frame) {
var n = 0;
n += frame.segmentBase ? 1 : 0;
n += frame.segmentList ? 1 : 0;
n += frame.segmentTemplate ? 1 : 0;
if (n == 0) {
// TODO: extend with the list of MIME types registered to TextEngine.
if (frame.contentType == 'text' || frame.contentType == 'application') {
return true;
} else {
'Representation does not contain a segment information source:',
'the Representation must contain one of SegmentBase, SegmentList,',
'SegmentTemplate, or explicitly indicate that it is "text".',
return false;
if (n != 1) {
'Representation contains multiple segment information sources:',
'the Representation should only contain one of SegmentBase,',
'SegmentList, or SegmentTemplate.',
if (frame.segmentBase) {
shaka.log.info('Using SegmentBase by default.');
frame.segmentList = null;
frame.segmentTemplate = null;
} else {
goog.asserts.assert(frame.segmentList, 'There should be a SegmentList');
shaka.log.info('Using SegmentList by default.');
frame.segmentTemplate = null;
return true;
* Makes a request to the given URI and calculates the clock offset.
* @param {!Array.<string>} baseUris
* @param {string} uri
* @param {string} method
* @return {!Promise.<number>}
* @private
shaka.dash.DashParser.prototype.requestForTiming_ =
function(baseUris, uri, method) {
var requestUris = shaka.dash.MpdUtils.resolveUris(baseUris, [uri]);
var request = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.makeRequest(
requestUris, this.config_.retryParameters);
request.method = method;
var type = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.RequestType.MANIFEST;
return this.networkingEngine_.request(type, request).then(function(response) {
var text;
if (method == 'HEAD') {
if (!response.headers || !response.headers['date'])
return 0;
text = response.headers['date'];
} else {
text = shaka.util.StringUtils.fromUTF8(response.data);
var date = Date.parse(text);
return isNaN(date) ? 0 : (date - Date.now());
* Parses an array of UTCTiming elements.
* @param {!Array.<string>} baseUris
* @param {!Array.<!Element>} elems
* @param {boolean} isLive
* @return {!Promise.<number>}
* @private
shaka.dash.DashParser.prototype.parseUtcTiming_ =
function(baseUris, elems, isLive) {
var schemesAndValues = elems.map(function(elem) {
return {
scheme: elem.getAttribute('schemeIdUri'),
value: elem.getAttribute('value')
// If there's nothing specified in the manifest, but we have a default from
// the config, use that.
var clockSyncUri = this.config_.dash.clockSyncUri;
if (isLive && !schemesAndValues.length && clockSyncUri) {
scheme: 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:http-head:2014',
value: clockSyncUri
var Functional = shaka.util.Functional;
return Functional.createFallbackPromiseChain(schemesAndValues, function(sv) {
var scheme = sv.scheme;
var value = sv.value;
switch (scheme) {
// See DASH IOP Guidelines Section 4.7
// http://goo.gl/CQFNJT
case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:http-head:2014':
// Some old ISO23009-1 drafts used 2012.
case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:http-head:2012':
return this.requestForTiming_(baseUris, value, 'HEAD');
case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:http-xsdate:2014':
case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:http-iso:2014':
case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:http-xsdate:2012':
case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:http-iso:2012':
return this.requestForTiming_(baseUris, value, 'GET');
case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:direct:2014':
case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:direct:2012':
var date = Date.parse(value);
return isNaN(date) ? 0 : (date - Date.now());
case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:http-ntp:2014':
case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:ntp:2014':
case 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:sntp:2014':
shaka.log.warning('NTP UTCTiming scheme is not supported');
return Promise.reject();
'Unrecognized scheme in UTCTiming element', scheme);
return Promise.reject();
}.bind(this)).catch(function() {
if (isLive) {
'A UTCTiming element should always be given in live manifests! ' +
'This content may not play on clients with bad clocks!');
return 0;
* Makes a network request on behalf of SegmentBase.createStream.
* @param {!Array.<string>} uris
* @param {?number} startByte
* @param {?number} endByte
* @return {!Promise.<!ArrayBuffer>}
* @private
shaka.dash.DashParser.prototype.requestInitSegment_ = function(
uris, startByte, endByte) {
var requestType = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.RequestType.SEGMENT;
var request = shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.makeRequest(
uris, this.config_.retryParameters);
if (startByte != null) {
var end = (endByte != null ? endByte : '');
request.headers['Range'] = 'bytes=' + startByte + '-' + end;
return this.networkingEngine_.request(requestType, request)
.then(function(response) { return response.data; });
* Response filter that looks for presence of EMSG
* boxes in segments. If a box is found, depending on the content it
* either triggers the manifest update or dispatches an event with the
* box content to the application.
* @param {shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.RequestType} type
* @param {!shakaExtern.Response} response
* @private
shaka.dash.DashParser.prototype.emsgResponseFilter_ = function(type, response) {
// Only look for segment responses:
if (type == shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.RequestType.SEGMENT) {
var reader = new shaka.util.DataViewReader(new DataView(response.data),
var boxSize = shaka.util.Mp4Parser.findBox(
shaka.dash.DashParser.BOX_TYPE_EMSG, reader);
if (boxSize != shaka.util.Mp4Parser.BOX_NOT_FOUND) {
var start = reader.getPosition() - 8;
var end = start + boxSize;
// skip version and flags
var scheme_id = reader.readTerminatedString();
// scheme_id of "urn:mpeg:dash:event:2012" means it's
// time to update the manifest
if (scheme_id == shaka.dash.DashParser.DASH_EMSG_SCHEME_ID_URI) {
// trigger manifest update
} else {
// read rest of the data and dispatch event to the application
var value = reader.readTerminatedString();
var timescale = reader.readUint32();
var presentationTimeDelta = reader.readUint32();
var eventDuration = reader.readUint32();
var id = reader.readUint32();
var messageData = reader.readBytes(end - reader.getPosition());
/** @type {shaka.dash.DashParser.EmsgInfo} */
var emsg = {
schemeIdUri: scheme_id,
value: value,
timescale: timescale,
presentationTimeDelta: presentationTimeDelta,
eventDuration: eventDuration,
id: id,
messageData: messageData
var event = new shaka.util.FakeEvent(
'emsg', { 'detail': emsg });
/** @const {number} */
shaka.dash.DashParser.BOX_TYPE_EMSG = 0x656D7367;
/** @const {string} */
shaka.dash.DashParser.DASH_EMSG_SCHEME_ID_URI = 'urn:mpeg:dash:event:2012';
'mpd', shaka.dash.DashParser);
'application/dash+xml', shaka.dash.DashParser);